You should not take Aspirin or Ibuprofen within 7 days of the procedure.
On the day of the procedure:
You must have someone available to bring you to the office.
You may eat a light breakfast or lunch.
Shave your scrotum with a straight razor.
Take your prescription medication as directed.
Vasectomy Post-Op Instructions
On the day of the procedure:
You must have someone available to drive you home.
You may continue a normal diet.
Take your prescription pain medication as directed, Also, 24 hours after the procedure, you may take Ibuprofen according to the package instructions.
You should expect some scrotal pain and swelling. You may wear supportive underwear and/or apply a bag of frozen peas to the scrotum for 10 minutes of every hour to help reduce the pain and swelling.
You should not be surprised to see some discharge from the scrotal incision. You may apply a gauze pad to the incision to help absorb the discharge.
You may shower in 24 hours. You should not sit in a bath or a hot tub for five days.
You should avoid strenuous activity, including heavy lifting, for at least 48 hours. You may return to work in 3-4 days as long as you can avoid really strenuous activity.
You may resume sexual intercourse in 3-4 days.YOU MUST USE SOME FORM OF BIRTH CONTROL UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD THAT YOU ARE STERILE. You will not be sterile until you have 2 consecutive negative semen samples.
You will be sent home with two semen cups. You must bring a semen sample to the office after your 12th and 24th ejaculations. Call ahead to ensure Dr. Carter will be in the office when you drop off your semen sample. Let the receptionist know that you are dropping off a post vasectomy semen sample. You wlll usually receive a call regarding the results of the semen analysis within 24 hours. Make sure that we have a current phone number on record. Make sure to notify us if we are not allowed to leave a voice message at that number. In Case of Emergency
If you experience excessive bleeding, discharge, odor, pain, redness, or swelling or fever over 101° F, you must contact the office at(423) 638-4046.
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